Curated online marketplace for vintage home & living goods

  • Marketplace
  • eCommerce
  • Ilona Skarbowska - UX Designer
  • Radek Rejsel - UX Designer
  • Karol Błędowski - UX/UI Designer
  • Maciej Kaczorowski - Frontend Developer
  • Adam Dyrda - Frontend Developer

yestersen is a premium online platform offering thousands of unique products for the home. The company sources furniture, lighting and accessories especially for its customers from professional antique dealers, iconic manufacturers and emerging contemporary designers.

You will find here an original selection of 20th century design, antiques and contemporary design.


As one of the leading platforms in the vintage furniture market, yestersen needed a change. The brand was constantly evolving and adding new and unique products, but its current website was not presenting these well. In addition, customers struggled to find the right items and the shopping experience did not match the quality of the products being sold. As a result, yestersen decided it was time to address these issues and redesign its website.


Following a website audit and discussions with yestersen customers and staff, we mapped the main areas for improvement.


Improve site navigation to make it easier for users to find what they need. We should consider changing menus and product categories to make them more accessible and increase the visibility of the search bar.

Category tree

Organise product categories in a way that makes sense to customers. We should simplify the division between new and old products and make the categories more intuitive.

Mobile devices

Redesign the mobile site to make it more like an app. We should increase the size of texts and clickable elements and make it easier to use with the hand.

Product page and listing

Enhance the product page by showcasing products in the best light and giving customers key information like dimensions, models and delivery details.

Checkout process

Provide customers with clear product availability and delivery information. We should improve the cost breakdown and order summary and make it easier for customers to choose the best delivery method for their needs.

Complaints and refunds

Digitise the complaints process to make it easier for customers to report problems and for staff to respond. We should try to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.


Shopping made easy

We wanted to create a user-friendly and visually appealing eCommerce platform. A place where the customer can easily find the right piece of furniture, choose the model and finish, and the delivery process is transparent. We wanted to increase customer engagement and conversion rates by streamlining the entire purchase path. This meant redesigning the homepage, navigation, listings, product pages and checkout entirely.


I was responsible for designing and overseeing the implementation of the website. I worked with the development team to plan tasks and ensure continuous progress. My work included creating a robust design system to facilitate development and providing design recommendations through wireframes and prototypes. Finally, I designed high-quality interfaces to ensure the product was both visually appealing and user-friendly.


Better breakdown of product information, larger image format and arrangement preview, visible and sticky action buttons and improved navigation.


Responsive product grid, better display of subcategories and filters, ability to add products to cart from here and pre-cart with recommended products.


More app-like appearance, an easily accessible bottom tab bar, enlarged clickable elements and a grid-based design layout.


Clearer display of number of deliveries, product availability status, choice of delivery method, better breakdown of order details with discounts and discount codes.


Redesigned user profile, a better view of current and historical orders, more intuitive navigation and the ability to go through the complaint process.
